Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Day

Easter Egg Hunting

 Marc and Dave ran outside threatening to find all the eggs before the boys and when Marc found the gold egg with a special treat in it he took what was inside and gave the empty egg to Connor.....until I found out!!!

Peter had fun chasing the boys around and around, but as you can see it was a little wet out!
 After the hunt we had lots of yummy food for Easter Dinner and played with Victoria.
 Then Paul, Megan and Zoey came to play games and hang out.
 Zoey is almost walking by herself.  She can go about 5 steps when she lets go.  So cute!
 The little girls looked so cute for Easter Sunday at church and after.  

Happy Easter Family. We missed the rest of you today as we celebrated the resurrection of our Savior with a nice program at church and then on a lighter side gobbled up the yummy stuff in our Easter Bunny baskets!  Love to you all!


  1. We missed you too! It would have been way more fun to be there then to be on a plane. Aren't those boys too old for egg hunts now? Your a nice grandma.

  2. If your dad and Dave wanted to participate...I guess you are never too old!
