Thursday, September 29, 2011

Home from the Hospital

Cami and Mike brought Jude home on Saturday.  We were so glad to have him with us.  No more running back and forth to the hospital.  He is so sweet and such a good baby.

 I love helping with Jude.  He needs lots of burping and kisses, too.
 He mostly smiles when he is dreaming, but we caught this cute one yesterday.
 Once in a while he will suck his thumb.

I'm so glad I could come to Dallas, TX, to help with this sweet boy.  Jude is our 9th grandchild and is very cute.  Marc can hardly wait to get her in a week!  Welcome to the family little Jude.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Surprise of the day. Baby Boy Bready

We got a surprise call this morning!  Cami and Mike's baby boy had arrived 4 weeks early.  Here are the first pictures of Cami and the baby who weighed 6 lbs. 6 ozs.  I can't wait to get out there on Thursday night to hold this sweet little one!  Maybe by then they will have decided on a name!  

SO SWEET!  Congratulations Cami and Mike!  He's beautiful!

Monday, September 19, 2011


What a cutie Zoey is!  Paul, Megan and Zoey came for dinner last night.  Zoe looks so cute in her skeleton jammies and was showing off for us! 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

Today is Labor Day and it is 60 degrees and raining.  We had beautiful 80 some weather all week and weekend and now this!  YSA's were supposed to come today for fun at the lake, but had to cancel because of the weather.  Darn!  
Marc and I had a very busy weekend.  Two concerts at the State Fair and a funeral.
Missed family dinner Sat. night with Celeste and Mike to our regret, but Celeste, Mom and I went to Corning Glass Museum on Thursday and had a great time.
We had the family over last night for the last summer dinner together and guess who showed up?  Victoria...  
 ...and she was very funny making some faces we hadn't seen before!
 Julia and Charlotte Swavola came down with Dan and Diane on the waverunner and then later Jennifer came, too.  Of course we had to play a game of "Oh Hell" by their request!  Dave won.
 Here is Victoria scooting across the table.  Not on hands and knees yet, but she pushes with her toes and can go pretty fast to get what she wants!

We can't believe summer is coming to an end.  It went by all too fast.  I hope we have a warm September.