Easter at the Lake. Celebrating the Resurrection of our Savior and having fun with the kids.
This year the Nesbitts, Carringtons, Breadys and Clays were all with us for Easter.
Here you see Lydia, Jude, Parker, Zoey, Victoria, Dallas and Henry coloring hard boiled eggs.
Charlie thought it was great fun to dip eggs..........as did
The girl cousins all created Easter bunnie faces. These four love to do crafts
After a family breakfast they were all ready for their Easter Egg Hunt...
Charlie, Levi, Jude, Connor, Parker, Henry, Zoey, Victoria, Dallas and Lydia.
They could each find 27 eggs and we hid them pretty good all around the house, down in the playset area, up thru the woods and into the orchard.

We missed the Leonards this Easter, but they will be here this summer and we can do another hunt with them. We are truly blessed with this wonderful family!!!