Baby Henry was born at 8:35am Sat. May 26th (Grandma Barbara's birthday-she would have liked that!) He weighs 7 lbs & is 18 3/4 in. long. His full name is Henry Stephen Nesbitt.

Happy and healthy baby boy and parents!
He looks so much like his great grandfather Henry Theodore Nesbitt & pictures I have seen of his Grandfather Henry Lawrence Nesbitt. Handsome little boy and so sweet!
Dallas says a surprised, "AH!" every time she sees baby Henry and has been so gentle with him to our surprise. She is only 19 months old.
Henry couldn't wait just 3 more hours until my flight came in from NY. Hank & the girls picked me up & we went right to the Naval Hospital on base at Camp Pendleton. It is 5 minutes from their house which made it very easy for the girls and I to come visit several times before the baby came home. This little guy is so sweet, cuddly & looks all boy!
When Hank was trying to set up the port a crib in their bedroom, Dallas wanted to get in. Once in the crib they couldn't get her to want to get out. She stayed in it for a good 20 minutes playing! She was very funny!
What could be sweeter than this......Ah Henry!
Big sister loves to hold her new baby....for about 2 minutes & then it is back to business as usual...playtime.
Henry is so alert when he is awake. Parker calls him a wiggle worm because he is always moving his arms & legs.
This is Dally's alien look. Ha!
Of course Parker and I had to make cookies together right away...our favorite thing & crafting of course.
Dally was the baby of the family just a few short days ago........but look at her now!